Gallery ab_performancehorses Shoutout to @arenawerks89 without your awesome dra SMF X ABPH #PreWork2022 • • We had great work Day 1 of 27 of the 2022 @nchacutting Futurity has {Time to get nervous] The 2022 @nchacutting Futuri Brazos Bash Open Derby Reserve Champs . . . #Hotti The first ever #RunForAMillion cutting qualifier t Repost: @hottishmetal . . . You’ll be seeing t Cotton Stakes Open Derby Champs. 🔥 Adan and @ho It is so special to have the opportunity to share Thank you Tom and Lisa Bailey for a special week a 5 M I L L I O N Congrats to the newest 5 million What a show. It takes a village to have one go as 🔥Hottish Metal & Adan Bañuelos🔥 CHAMPS of t Adan & Pipe Bomb Dream - Breeders Invitational CHA It was a great day for ABPH in Tulsa . . . Adan cl Super Stakes 2022 Open Recap: • • Sending out 💥 Open F I N A L S Day 💥 • • Well . . . Thankful for a busy Open Semi Finals day. Adan was Thankful for a busy Open Semi Finals day. Adan was We just got back a few days ago from a successful Load More... Follow on Instagram Adan Banuelos Performance Horses NO ONE WINS ALONE